Jude Haste


Jude Haste

Jude Haste


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    Jan 2020

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Writer of quirky comedy with a dash of romance. Some of my novellas deal with workplace bullying. Mental health matters.

I write Comedy Quick Reads on Amazon. Welcome to Sochi is set in the UK in the countryside. It revolves around the life of a lady who has recently been dumped by both her fiancé and her employer. Her challenge is therefore to rebuild her life and through her journey of self-discovery, she finds that one of the biggest obstacles in her path is her own mindset. Identifying faults in oneself is challenging but, in order to make peace and move on, it is a necessary task. Rather than blame others she looks within her own character with humorous consequences.

I was inspired to write this particular story because when a relationship falters it can seem that your life is over. We all emotionally invest in one another and when a person leaves, you feel left stranded. I wanted to show a character with imperfections that had enough integrity and mindfulness to want to regain faith in herself.

My target audience is over 18 as I write about second-chance romances. Some of my novellas deal with workplace bullying. I hope that my readers get a sense of self from my work. We are all unique and worthy and should not allow others to judge or bully us. Being at peace with oneself is the reward. What we do for a living and our financial status does not give us peace of mind. Kindness matters, how we conduct ourselves matters, all people with whom we interact matter. The follow-up novella Return to Sochi carries on these themes of having self-doubt and facing challenges. Being in a relationship that makes you feel like you are growing as a person is healthy. However quirky you may appear to others, be determined and move forward, don’t let negativity from others hold you back and, discover your own journey. Life is about the journey so surround yourself with those who want to support you through both the highs and lows of it.

I hope that my audience enjoys the comedy in my work. As the saying goes laughter is the best medicine. My plans for my novella, Welcome to Sochi, are fairly humble … for those with busy lives, it’s a quick read, a chance to take time out to reflect on what is important to value.

I was born in London and when I met my partner, we moved back to his home country South Africa. I had been a teacher in London of Sociology, whilst in South Africa, an amazing place, I experienced workplace bullying. No one knew me out there and my reputation was easy to destroy in the context of the institution I worked for. It had a big impact on my mental state and through writing, I was able to find myself again. I feel rewarded in that I was able to be creative and I found hidden talent within myself.
Whether or not people enjoy my work, I triumphed and was able to believe in myself again. The biggest battle was within me and not allowing my negative thoughts based on the opinions of others about me, overwhelm my quirky sense of self. It’s been a hell of a ride but I am okay. Currently, I am navigating my family’s mental health through this pandemic. All you need is love. I love my children, value my role as a mother to them, and thank those around me that want to add value to my journey. I hope I add value to theirs.
My links: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jude+haste+kindle&crid=2XFVK9L7NQHSP&sprefix=jude+haste%2Caps%2C251&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-a-p_1_10
Twitter: @judehaste_write



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